Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Philippines Independence Day

      The Americans granted the Philippines Independence day on July 04, but given so many strings attached to that grant of independence, historians made a case for celebrating it on another day. President Diosdado Macapagal  moved the Independence day celebration to June 12.

      Philippines was colonized by many countries such as Spain, Japan, and America. Many Pilipinos sacrificed their own lives for our freedom. They fought with no doubt, that's why we are now free.
      Independence is one of the best gifts that we inherit from our ancestors. If we look back at the years of striving, fighting and sacrificing, the tears and the bloods they shed; The lives that were lost.  Isn't it worth celebrating? Finally, they achieved what they are fighting for, and we, the living generations are enjoying up to this days.

     Yes, we are free of colonization, but not totally free because we still experience harassment from other countries. We are under authoritative leaders, under poverty, crimes, social discrimination and the the like, we still need to fight for our rights for the next generations but those should not hinder us from celebrating the victories of our ancestors. This one day celebration wouldn't enough to show our gratitude to the greatness they have shown.
     Do we need to celebrate this Independence now and then? We should and we will.