Friday, October 19, 2018

United Nation Celebration

We celebrates the United Nation every month of October, Day 24, to remind us about acknowledging and accepting cultural diversity whole heartedly.

United Nations was built after world war II. As of today there are 193 countries members of United Nations. One of those is the philippines. It's head quarters is located in New York City
         (Source: Google)

Just like the Science Month Celebration, They also prepare different activities for students who interested in Poster making, Painting, and more about the different countries of UN. They also have the searching for Mr. And Ms. UN.

United Nation day is worth-celebrating because it is truly significant to all individuals globally.

"The United Nations works for the entire human family of seven billion people, and cares for the earth, our one and only home..."
                         -UN Secretary - General Ban Ki Moon

World Teacher's day

Teacher's day is a very special day for all the teachers in the world. We celebrates it every year to appreciate their efforts teaching us and contributions toward education

Our teachers is like our second parents and they can also be our friends where we can also share our problems with. They help us improve our knowledge and shape us in the right shape to get success.
Teacher's day is the day to respect and value the efforts of our teachers who tirelesly doing their jobs. It is also the day when they can rest teaching but to assigned some from their students who can be  a little teacher for that day.

In all we celebrated this special day to express our respect, gratitude and to value the effort of our teacher.

INSIGHT about Science month celebration

 We all know that Science is every everywhere and somewhere l, anything and everything, somebody or someone. Everything in our world that we use somehow made by science.

Science month celebration os one of the most awaited event in school , and we celebrates it every month of september . The Science Club prepared different activities for all students like poster making, essay writing, science quiz making toy and any useful things using recycle materials  and the most awaited contest is the searching for G. At Bb. Kalikasan.

They made different activities to help students enhance their skills and talents and also create an impact of good communication.