Thursday, December 6, 2018

True Essence of Christmas

What does Christmas mean to you? Or what was the first word that will comes to your mind when you heard the word Christmas? Maybe for some the word 'GIFT' it's the season of giving, or for some 'Decorations' , '13th Month Pay. or maybe 'Reunion'. But that's not the true meaning of Christmas it's the season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ the King, The Redeemer of mankind! Jesus is the reason for season

'Christmas is not just time for festivity and merry making. It's more than that. It is time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is the spirit of sharing, giving, and forgiving'  That was J.C Penny said. We are lucky to be alive to see and experience this Christmas.

Christmas is the celebration of birth of Christ it's not about giving each other an expensive gift it's time for us to understand the lessons from Jesus and reflect on them; a vision of doing everything with positive mindset and from a place of love.

The true essence of Christmas is not gifts. It's not certainly not goodies. Not even the things that you do. Not the decorations that makes your house look good. The essence of Christmas lies in the name of Almighty the Lord above. For he has the power to change the World.Related image

We are all Equal!

Equality is not a myth but an achievable goal. Many people around the world are facing discrimination in every aspect of life, throughout their life they face prejudice both inside and outside their home.

God almighty has made every human being equal and there can be no discrimination on any ground, let alone gender based. All the discrimination and equality are the results of human being's conscious effort. Similarly , gender equality can be achieved through consistent struggle of all stake holders.

We are born in this beautiful world with own personality, skills, talents but we have the equal rights and equal opportunities even you are black, white, small, tall, rich or poor.
So don't be afraid to fight for your rights because WE ARE ALL EQUAL!
Image result for equal rights equal opportunities

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Future of our Country

Every month of October we celebrated the National Children's Month. According to UNICEF, every year millions of children around the world become victims of violence. The violence children face takes many forms, such as exploitation and abuse, trafficking, physical and humiliating punishment, harmful traditional practices. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects a child's development, dignity, and physical and psychological integrity.


We are all aware that children are the future of our country. So parents must take care of their children.

Sa pagpapalaki ngbata ay maihahalintulad sa kung paano magpalaki at mag alaga sa halaman. Kung gusto mong maging maganda ang paglaki ng iyong alagang halaman dapat na siguruhin mong naarawan at nadidiligan ito para mabuhay ganon din sa mga bata dapat silang pakainin bigyan ng tirahan at alagaan nang sa gayon maging maganda sila sa paglaki. Gaya rin nang halaman kapaghindi pa ito ganap na malaki at matatag at nakita mo itong baluktot dapat lagyan mo na sya ng kahoy at tali upang dumretso ito ganon din sa mga bata habang bata pa lang dapat mo nang ituro ang tama at itama mo na ang kanilang pagkakamali.

Remember Children are the hope and future of our country and they must work hard and strive to achive what is best for everyone.