Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Philippines is a disaster prone country,We ways experienced different disasters like earthquakes and typhoons. We also have our own problem but despite all of this, we are still smiling and fighting.

We Filipinos are strong with an unwavering faith in God. No matter what disasters and problems we are still smiling like nothing happened. We never give up so easily and we never lose hope. No matter how many times we fall, we could get back own feet. We Filipinos are brave in any life trials. We do not give up at all. We always look for the bright side and set aside the negative one. We simply smile over those challenges. Giving up is not in our vocabulary. We used to fight because we know that in every problem there is always a solution.

I am glad to be Pilipino because despite of any challenges we are facing, after the pains and sufferings. We survive and still smiling.

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