Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Feast of all Heritages

The festival at the end of January celebrates the best of Ilocos Sur culture, from traditional dress and folk dance to tribal rituals and marching band contests.

KANNAWIDAN is an Ilocano term which means "a feast of all heritages, practices and products" in Ilocos Sur. The celebration formulates various activities wherein it's main thrust is tourism promotion through the presentation of talents, native costumes, traditions, culture and products that is definitely Ilocos Sur. It aims to develop the province into an economically- strengthened community and to in still pride it's citizenry with their very rich heritage.

This Kannawidan Ylocos Festival aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products.

Let us all preserve these cultures for next generation and this will serve as our trademark as an Ilokano.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Life is full of challanges and things you wish could change. I just remember a one line of a song of my favorite Singer. "Everything is changing when you turn around.." which is true, change is the only permanent thing in this world.

 If you want to change reality, start with yourself first. In doing so, problems give way to solutions and no longer affect you.  Change the daily routine that you know you are unhappy with, change your poor habits, change your life. If you want progress, then you need change - you need to be change. Cut out all the extra junk that you have taking too much part in your life. Keep things simple.
 Change for yourself, change for the better.

Block all your negative thoughts and made those positive thought into a reality. It is a human nature to doubt ourselves from time to time. You can't control everything that happens but you can control how you react. Stop waiting for things to change, because change starts with you.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Hello New Me

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           Goodbye 2018 and Hello 2019. All events that took place into my life in the year 2018 are now just memories. Whether it is good or bad, happy or sad. They are all just part of my past. My life have to move forward for the betterment of myself and future.

          New year, new me! This year I promise myself to go on a diet for a healthy lifestyle, to focus more on my studies, to be more responsible person; as a student, as a sister to my siblings as a daughter and as a young woman. I will give more time to myself. I will commit my on getting good grades. And I will banish all the self-doubts.
         Because I know, and I will always tell to myself this: " I can do this!"