Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dreaming is Free, to make it true Hard work and knowledge is the Key

Everyone has a dream wether they want to be a doctor,  a police,  a teacher or an accountant someday.  Or to see their idols in person.  We dreams,  big or small.  Dreaming is free.  And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Ever since we were a child we know what we would like to become and what we want to do when we grow up. But as we become older,  we mature and recognize and realize that things are not easy.  And to be real happy is the hardest dream to achieve

I dream of becoming a successful person someday.  I want to be an accountant or a policewoman.  To own a big house,  cars and to give my family a comfortable life.  And I am working hard to achieve them because mother told me that if I want my dreams to come true I should work hard for it.  And one of the key is Education,  knowledge is the utmost valuable  tool for life. 

The knowledge we gather will help our path to success.  There is no easy thing in this world.  We should never stop learning no matter old we are.  I will do my best to become a successful someday.

We dreams,  we set goals and work hard to achieve them all. Dreaming is free,  working hard is the key to make that dreams come true

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