Wednesday, March 13, 2019


This school year was great. A lot of things have happened in the span of ten months. It has been a crazy roller coaster ride. There's a sleepless night for making my articles, lack of time and had some struggles in making my flyer because I didn't listen well in the discussions but as the time goes by, i was forced to learn it. I learned about tools, filters, panels and other equipments that Photoshop has. I will will continue to use Photoshop and apply all the concepts i've learned but ofcourse i learned something in our ict class not just about computers but also in real life situations - to how to manage my time wisely. The lessons that i've learned in ict class will always remain in me and i will forever treasure the memories i've made with my classmates and our beloved teacher.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The 117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School

Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS)  celebrated its 117th Foundation Day.  It was celebrated on March 2 and 3. It is the most awaited occasion celebrated in school. The teachers and students with their different costumes participated in the parade as the opening of the celebration. Afternoon,  students (per year level)  performed a dance number with their colorful props and beautiful and unique costumes.  Also some of the teachers danced during that day. 

Everybody is happy not only because for not having classes,  but also they enjoyed the High School Day!.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dreaming is Free, to make it true Hard work and knowledge is the Key

Everyone has a dream wether they want to be a doctor,  a police,  a teacher or an accountant someday.  Or to see their idols in person.  We dreams,  big or small.  Dreaming is free.  And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Ever since we were a child we know what we would like to become and what we want to do when we grow up. But as we become older,  we mature and recognize and realize that things are not easy.  And to be real happy is the hardest dream to achieve

I dream of becoming a successful person someday.  I want to be an accountant or a policewoman.  To own a big house,  cars and to give my family a comfortable life.  And I am working hard to achieve them because mother told me that if I want my dreams to come true I should work hard for it.  And one of the key is Education,  knowledge is the utmost valuable  tool for life. 

The knowledge we gather will help our path to success.  There is no easy thing in this world.  We should never stop learning no matter old we are.  I will do my best to become a successful someday.

We dreams,  we set goals and work hard to achieve them all. Dreaming is free,  working hard is the key to make that dreams come true

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Feast of all Heritages

The festival at the end of January celebrates the best of Ilocos Sur culture, from traditional dress and folk dance to tribal rituals and marching band contests.

KANNAWIDAN is an Ilocano term which means "a feast of all heritages, practices and products" in Ilocos Sur. The celebration formulates various activities wherein it's main thrust is tourism promotion through the presentation of talents, native costumes, traditions, culture and products that is definitely Ilocos Sur. It aims to develop the province into an economically- strengthened community and to in still pride it's citizenry with their very rich heritage.

This Kannawidan Ylocos Festival aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products.

Let us all preserve these cultures for next generation and this will serve as our trademark as an Ilokano.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Life is full of challanges and things you wish could change. I just remember a one line of a song of my favorite Singer. "Everything is changing when you turn around.." which is true, change is the only permanent thing in this world.

 If you want to change reality, start with yourself first. In doing so, problems give way to solutions and no longer affect you.  Change the daily routine that you know you are unhappy with, change your poor habits, change your life. If you want progress, then you need change - you need to be change. Cut out all the extra junk that you have taking too much part in your life. Keep things simple.
 Change for yourself, change for the better.

Block all your negative thoughts and made those positive thought into a reality. It is a human nature to doubt ourselves from time to time. You can't control everything that happens but you can control how you react. Stop waiting for things to change, because change starts with you.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Hello New Me

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           Goodbye 2018 and Hello 2019. All events that took place into my life in the year 2018 are now just memories. Whether it is good or bad, happy or sad. They are all just part of my past. My life have to move forward for the betterment of myself and future.

          New year, new me! This year I promise myself to go on a diet for a healthy lifestyle, to focus more on my studies, to be more responsible person; as a student, as a sister to my siblings as a daughter and as a young woman. I will give more time to myself. I will commit my on getting good grades. And I will banish all the self-doubts.
         Because I know, and I will always tell to myself this: " I can do this!"


Thursday, December 6, 2018

True Essence of Christmas

What does Christmas mean to you? Or what was the first word that will comes to your mind when you heard the word Christmas? Maybe for some the word 'GIFT' it's the season of giving, or for some 'Decorations' , '13th Month Pay. or maybe 'Reunion'. But that's not the true meaning of Christmas it's the season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ the King, The Redeemer of mankind! Jesus is the reason for season

'Christmas is not just time for festivity and merry making. It's more than that. It is time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is the spirit of sharing, giving, and forgiving'  That was J.C Penny said. We are lucky to be alive to see and experience this Christmas.

Christmas is the celebration of birth of Christ it's not about giving each other an expensive gift it's time for us to understand the lessons from Jesus and reflect on them; a vision of doing everything with positive mindset and from a place of love.

The true essence of Christmas is not gifts. It's not certainly not goodies. Not even the things that you do. Not the decorations that makes your house look good. The essence of Christmas lies in the name of Almighty the Lord above. For he has the power to change the World.Related image

We are all Equal!

Equality is not a myth but an achievable goal. Many people around the world are facing discrimination in every aspect of life, throughout their life they face prejudice both inside and outside their home.

God almighty has made every human being equal and there can be no discrimination on any ground, let alone gender based. All the discrimination and equality are the results of human being's conscious effort. Similarly , gender equality can be achieved through consistent struggle of all stake holders.

We are born in this beautiful world with own personality, skills, talents but we have the equal rights and equal opportunities even you are black, white, small, tall, rich or poor.
So don't be afraid to fight for your rights because WE ARE ALL EQUAL!
Image result for equal rights equal opportunities

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Future of our Country

Every month of October we celebrated the National Children's Month. According to UNICEF, every year millions of children around the world become victims of violence. The violence children face takes many forms, such as exploitation and abuse, trafficking, physical and humiliating punishment, harmful traditional practices. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects a child's development, dignity, and physical and psychological integrity.


We are all aware that children are the future of our country. So parents must take care of their children.

Sa pagpapalaki ngbata ay maihahalintulad sa kung paano magpalaki at mag alaga sa halaman. Kung gusto mong maging maganda ang paglaki ng iyong alagang halaman dapat na siguruhin mong naarawan at nadidiligan ito para mabuhay ganon din sa mga bata dapat silang pakainin bigyan ng tirahan at alagaan nang sa gayon maging maganda sila sa paglaki. Gaya rin nang halaman kapaghindi pa ito ganap na malaki at matatag at nakita mo itong baluktot dapat lagyan mo na sya ng kahoy at tali upang dumretso ito ganon din sa mga bata habang bata pa lang dapat mo nang ituro ang tama at itama mo na ang kanilang pagkakamali.

Remember Children are the hope and future of our country and they must work hard and strive to achive what is best for everyone.

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Use and Importance of Gadget

Gadgets are online simplified applications that make work easy. They play a substantial duty in the typical guy’s life and we have grown so used to it that it becomes really tough for us to think of daily life chores in the absence of devices.

Technology like cellphones invented to make our communication easier. Before to communicate with others from far away; when we send a letter or a message to someone we have to wait and they have to wait for how many days to receive that message. But thanks to the inventors of gadgets like cellphones our communication became faster and easier.

Technology has taken over, and keeps taking over our lives each day with the forever changing innovations and inventions. We have become so dependant on them that our lives without having the latest gadgets is incomplete always remember that gadgets  not only make our lives much easier but also save our money and precious time. Getting a single gadget will certainly give us the functions of many. This makes devices inexpensive and cost effective. It can therefore be concluded that gadgets are not just important because they make our lives simple but likewise since we can have fun with them.

However, researchers said the heaviest technology users were also those with the heaviest work schedules which is likely to contribute to these negative reports.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Let's Read: Reading is the key to success

It has been proven that people who read better, perform better in school and have more active imagination.
According to Google ( A medium Corporation [US] ) 26% of children who were read to 3 or 4 times a week by family member recognized all of the alphabet, compared to 14% of children who were read to less often.

Since we were young our parents and also our teachers taught us how to read , it will help us to understand many things.

Reading is the key to success. Reading books is important. You can acquire knowledge, increase memory and imagination, are able to do more and it improves language and communication skills.

Reading is very important to everyone because it gives us information and it also helps us to be a better person and the more you read the more you understand the world.

Friday, October 19, 2018

United Nation Celebration

We celebrates the United Nation every month of October, Day 24, to remind us about acknowledging and accepting cultural diversity whole heartedly.

United Nations was built after world war II. As of today there are 193 countries members of United Nations. One of those is the philippines. It's head quarters is located in New York City
         (Source: Google)

Just like the Science Month Celebration, They also prepare different activities for students who interested in Poster making, Painting, and more about the different countries of UN. They also have the searching for Mr. And Ms. UN.

United Nation day is worth-celebrating because it is truly significant to all individuals globally.

"The United Nations works for the entire human family of seven billion people, and cares for the earth, our one and only home..."
                         -UN Secretary - General Ban Ki Moon

World Teacher's day

Teacher's day is a very special day for all the teachers in the world. We celebrates it every year to appreciate their efforts teaching us and contributions toward education

Our teachers is like our second parents and they can also be our friends where we can also share our problems with. They help us improve our knowledge and shape us in the right shape to get success.
Teacher's day is the day to respect and value the efforts of our teachers who tirelesly doing their jobs. It is also the day when they can rest teaching but to assigned some from their students who can be  a little teacher for that day.

In all we celebrated this special day to express our respect, gratitude and to value the effort of our teacher.